


  Do you like comics(漫画)? Many of the world's most popular comics 1 Japan. The drawing is excellent. The stories are interesting. 2 they are fun to read. 3 , Japanese artists often have new ways of drawing. They influence artists in 4 countries.
  These comics are often made into cartoons 5 are watched by millions of people in Asia, Europe, and America. Also, toys are made from the comics. So you can see, it's a very 6 business!
  Each person 7 his own favorite comic. Some popular 8 are Black Jack, Conan, and Sakura. Many artists who draw comics become 9 in Japan. Some of them are like movie stars. People love and respect their 10 .


【分析】1. 句子中主语为漫画,缺少谓语。come from 来自于+地点/国家;主语为复数,谓语is from为单数;starting in缺少动词;write in主语为人才行;故选come from。
2. 承接上句,且句意未出现转折,故选And。
3. 文中缺少的是状语,故选In fact。one time表示“一次”。
4. others,其余那些,后面不接名词;another 另一个;other 别的,后加名词复数;the other指已知的两个人或两事物的另一个,所以本空选other。
5. 本句是含有定语从句的复合句,先行词cartoons指物,所以应选关系代词which。
6. small 小的;bad 坏的;big 大的,规模大的;lucky 幸运的。选big。
7. 主语为单数,谓语用单数,上下文均为一般现在时,故选has。
8. 主语与some搭配,用复数形式,故选ones,指代comics。
9. funny 可笑的;famous 著名的;good-looking 长相好看的;strange 奇怪的。选famous。
10. job 工作,职业;work 作品;story 故事;movie 电影。选work。
