

  I am (我)是[m] you 你[ju: ] are (你)是[ɑ: ]

  come in. 进来[km] name 名字[neim] class 班[klɑ:s ]

  good 好的[ɡud] good morning! 早上好! new新的[nju: ]

  from 从[frm] from beijing 从北京来的 we 我们[wi: ]

  chair 椅子[t] wall 墙[w:l] ball 球[b:l]

  box 盒子[bks] floor 地板[fl:]

  at 在[t] zoo 动物园[zu:] at the zoo 在动物园里

  park 公园[pɑ:k] classroom 教室[klɑ:srum] factory工厂[fktri]

  square 广场[skw] capital首都[kpitl] China 中国[ain]

  the capital of China 中国的首都 love 爱[lv]

  motherland 祖国[lnd] has有[hz] star 星[stɑ:]

  our我们的[au] national国家的[nnl] cap 帽子[kp]

  national flag国旗[flɡ] coat上衣[kut] have有[hv]

  long长的[l:] short短的,矮的[:t] big大的[biɡ]

  small小的[sm:l] or或, 还是[: ] guess 猜[ɡes]

  hey 嗨[hei] tall高的[t:l] old年老的[uld]

  young年轻的[j] Chinese 中国的;汉语;中国人[aini:z]

  English英国的;英语;英国人[gli] over 越(过) [uv]

  there 那儿[] over there 在那边 American美国的,美国人[merikn]