driver doctor
T:What’s your mother’s job
S:My mother’s job is a doctor.



1. Teaching Objectives Knowledge objectives:
(1) Students can learn the new words: driver, doctor.
(2) Students can master the sentence pattern: --What's ... job --He/She is ... Ability objective:
By taking part in conversations, students can develop speaking and communicative skills.
Emotional objective:
Students can cultivate their interest and enthusiasm in communication with others and foster the spirit of teamwork.
2. Teaching Key and Difficult Points
Teaching key points:
(1) Students can recognize and master the meaning of driver and doctor.
(2) Students can understand the meaning of the dialogue.
Teaching difficult point:
Students can use the target sentence pattern and different names of jobs to make dialogues.
3. Teaching Procedures
Step 1 Warming up and Lead-in (5 min)
Playing "what' s missing" game: The teacher shows the word and picture cards that they have learned, such as teacher, farmer, worker, policeman, etc. and asks the students to read them. Then the teacher takes away one card and makes them read again to find out which one is missing.
Step 2 Presentation (10 rain)
T: I am a teacher. What about you
Ss: We are students.
T: Good! Now look at this photo.(教师展示自己家庭成员的照片)Can you guess who this man is
Ss: He is your father.
T: Yes, he is my father. What' s his job
T: Well, he is a doctor.
Then the teacher presents the new word on the PPT: doctor.
Present the word "driver" in the same way.
Step 3 Practice and Consolidation (15 min)
(1) Playing a game "I say and you guess"
The teacher divides the students into two groups. Then the teacher asks one group to describe a job, while the other group guesses the name of it. Then exchange their roles. The group which guesses more using less time will be the winner.
(2) Making a survey
The teacher divides students into groups of six and asks each student to make a survey about other students' parents' jobs, using the sentence pattern they have learned.