A. They’re yours. B. They are Mike’s and Helen’s. C. They’re Yang Ling’s


【题目】听录音,根据所听到的对话和问题选择正确的答案 (听两遍) 

(______) 1.   What is behind the door?

A. Coats.         B. Books.                    C. Jackets.

(______) 2.   Mike’s and Helen’s coats are       

A. blue.            B. blue and brown.           C. not brown or blue.

(______) 3.   Mike and Helen are               .

A. in the classroom. B. in the playground.          C. at home.

(______) 4.   Perhaps Mike and Helen are          .

A.playing basketball .B. watching the running race .C. playing football

(______) 5.  Whose coats are they?

A.    They’re yours.  B. They are Mike’s and Helen’s. C. They’re Yang Ling’s.

【答案】1.A    2.C    3.B    4.B    5.B   
