Read and choose.阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案


【题目】Read and choose.阅读短文,根据短文内容选择正确的答案。

Ms. Guo is telling her students her plans for the weekend. She is going to see her parents and cook lunch for them on Saturday morning. On Saturday afternoon, she is going to go back home and tidy her home up. And she is going to have dinner with her friends in the evening. “So, you are going to be busy on Saturday, Ms. Guo.” says Peter. “Yes, I am,” Ms. Guo says. “What will you do on Sunday? Are you going to stay at home?” asks Joe. “Oh, no! I like sport and I am good at badminton. I’m going to play badminton in the school playground.” “Really? I like badminton too! Can I go and play with you too?” asks Jill. “Of course!” Ms. Guo answers happily.

【1】Ms. Guo is going to ________ on Saturday morning. (  )

A. see her grandparents

B. see her parents

C. see her children

【2】Ms. Guo is going to tidy her home up on ________.(  )

A. Saturday morning

B. Saturday afternoon

C. Saturday evening

【3】Ms. Guo is going to cook lunch ________.(  )

A. for her friends

B. for her grandparents

C. for her parents

【4】Ms. Guo is good at ________.(  )

A. sport

B. badminton

C. teaching

【5】________ is going to play badminton with Ms. Guo. (  )

A. Joe

B. Jill

C. Peter

【6】They are going to play badminton ________.(  )

A. in the playground

B. in the park

C. in the garden


【1】    B   

【2】    B   

【3】    C   

【4】    B   

【5】    B   

【6】    A   






