11. three rolls of film 12. blow out the candles 13. go out of the football field 14. Keep off the grass. 15. Different public signs mean different things



1. 把球传给我                       2. 所有的学生                  

3. 拍照                            4. 紧靠在公园隔壁              

5. 迈克的生日礼物                   6. 在四月一日                  

7. 在黑板前面                      8. 刚才                        

9. 观看一场激动人心的比赛           10. 禁止乱扔垃圾。                

11. three rolls of film                 

12. blow out the candles           

13. go out of the football field              

14. Keep off the grass.                     

15. Different public signs mean different things.                             

【答案】1. pass the ball to me         2. all the students

3. take photos               4. next to the park

5. Mike’s birthday present     6. on the first of April

7. in front of the blackboard    8. just now/a moment ago

9. watch an exciting race      10. No littering.

11. 三卷胶卷               12. 吹灭蜡烛

13. 出界                   14.禁止践踏草坪。

15. 不同的公共标识具有不同的含义。
