


Chen Jie has three good friends. They’re Mary, Amy and Bai Ling. Mary  is

Tall, Amy is short and Bai Ling is fat. Amy and Mary are from Canada. Bai

Ling is a Chinese girl. Chen Jie likes grapes .But Amy doesn’t like. They

Will go to the zoo now.

⑴Chen Jie has two friends.

⑵Mary is from Canada.

⑶Amy likes grapes.

⑷They Will go to the zoo.

⑸Bai Ling is thin.




⑴由Chen Jie has three good friends.可知,Chen Jie有再三个好朋友,所以是F。

⑵由Amy and Mary are from Canada.可知,Mary来自加拿大,所以是T。

⑶由Chen Jie likes grapes. But Amy doesn’t like.可知,Amy不喜欢葡萄,所以是F。

⑷由They Will go to the zoo now.可知这句话是正确的,所以是T。

⑸由Bai Ling is fat.可知,白玲是胖的,所以这句话是错的,是F。