


Different countries have different food. If you go to _______, you may find _______ fish and chip shops along the _______. Fish and chips is the _______ popular take-away food in England People often _______ this kind of food at shops. _______ they put the food _______ paper bags and take it _______ or to their work place.

Chinese take-away food is also _______ in England, Australia and the USA. But the most popular take-away food in the USA ________ fried chicken. It’s very delicious!

【1】A.Australia B.China C.England D.the USA

【2】A.few B.no C.much D.many

【3】A.roads B.streets C.ways D.rivers

【4】A.very B.most C.quite D.more

【5】A.have B.sell C.put D.take

【6】A.Some time B.Some times C.Any time D.Sometimes

【7】A.get B.take C.put. . . into. . .  D.bring

【8】A.home B.office C.house D.school

【9】A.different B.cheap C.delicious D.popular

【10】A.was B.were C.is D.are













【1】由后文的in England可知选C。故选C。

【2】由空格后的fish and chip shops可知应选many来修饰可数名词shops。故选D。


【4】由句意炸鱼薯条是英国最受欢迎的外卖食物可知。此处应用最高级。由于popular是多音节词,其最高级形式是the most popular。故选B。


【6】some time意为一段时间,some times意为几次,any time意为随时。sometimes意为有时,由语境可知选D。

【7】put. . . into. . . 意为把……放进……。故选A。


