A famous Big Ten football coach had only two strategies.Run the ball to the left side


A famous Big Ten football coach had only two strategies.Run the ball to the left side

of the line.Run the ball to the right side.The defense can concentrate forces on the left side or the right side.If the opponent concentrates on the wrong side, his offense is sure to gain at least 5 yards.If the defense defended the left side and the offense ran left, it gain only 1 yard.If the opponent defended the right side when the offense ran right, the offense would still gain at least 5 yards with probability 0.70.It is the last play of the game and the famous coach';s team is on offense.If it makes 5 yards or more it wins, if not it loses.Both sides choose Nash equilibrium strategies.In equilibrium the offens


A.is sure to run to the right side.

B.will run to the right side with probability 0.77.

C.will run to the right side with probability 0.87.

D.will run to the two sides with equal probability.


will run to the right side with probability 0.77.