milk and eggs for breakfast;vegetables,fish,chicken,and a bowl of rice for lunch, have noodles or jiaozi提出建议




Suggested questions:

⑴What's your favourite food for breakfast?

⑵What's your favourite food for lunch?

⑶What's your favourite food for dinner?

【答案】                My favourite food

    I  like healthy food. 

    I often have milk and eggs for breakfast. I think they are good for us. I like to have vegetables,fish,chicken,and a bowl of rice for lunch. I like fish very much,because it's very healthy and delicious for me.I usually have noodles or jiaozi for dinner.

We must eat healthy food. 




(1)先介绍自己喜欢健康的食物。 healthy food

(2)介绍早餐、午餐及晚餐喜欢吃的食物及喜欢的原因。milk and eggs for breakfast;vegetables,fish,chicken,and a bowl of rice for lunch, have noodles or jiaozi

(3)提出建议。eat healthy food