13. A lot of_ come to our country every year. 14. This shirt is mine. That one is_



1. He usually__________ (get) up at 6:30 am. and then washes his face.

2. We _____________ (have) our English examination now.

3. The English teacher __________ (ask) us to revise our English last week.

4. They___________(do) their homework in Winter Holiday this year.

5. My friend Ann is a good ________(sing).

6. It’s hard___________ (study) every subject well.

7. The students of Class 12 run___________ (fast) than the students of Class 11.

8. You can do the work very__________ (good).

9. Thank you for__________ (invite) me.

10. This apple is____________ (big) one in the basket.

11. Does your mother get up_________ (early) than you?

12. Is their classroom_____________(comfortable) in our school?

13. A lot of_________ come to our country every year. (visit)

14. This shirt is mine. That one is______(she).

【答案】1. gets    2. are having    3. asked    4. are going to do/will do    5. singer    6. to study    7. faster    8. well    9. inviting    10. the biggest    11. earlier    12. the most comfortable    13. visitors    14. hers   
