


同学们,请你回顾一下三年前的自己,从身高,性格,爱好等方面写一写从前的你与现在的你有什么不同吧。(提示:Before I…. Now I…)要求,意思连贯,语句通顺,书写规范,不少于5句话。







I used to have a large build and I was short. But after a year's exercise I am much taller and thinner. I used to get up late in the morning and stay up late at night. I know it's bad for my health so I get up early and seldom stay up too late. I used to be a little shy. After having made many friends, I am outgoing and easygoing now. I used to be weak in English. With the help of the teacher and my classmates, I have made great progress. I can catch up with my classmate now.




参考单词:used to过去常常,outgoing外向的,get up起床,easygoing随和的,made many friends交朋友,catch up with抓住,made great progress.取得进步,a little有点

参考句型:I used to...;I am...with...;I know...;I have...;I can...;Before I…Now I…