


    In the morning, I get up (起床) at 7:00. I have milk and bread for breakfast. Then I go to school. My favourite food is fish. In the afternoon, I have rice and chicken for lunch at school. I don't like vegetables but I like fruit. In the evening, I have noodles and meat for dinner. Then I read a book. At last (最后) , I say "Good night!" to my mum and dad.   

(1)My favourite food is______.                    

A. fish                   B. fruit           C. meat

(2)I have ______for lunch.                    

A. milk and bread    B. rice and chicken     C. noodles and meat

(3)I don't like______.                    

A. vegetables         B. milk and bread        C. fish

(4)I have lunch ______.                    

A. at home           B. at school       C. in a park

(5)At last, I say "______ ".                    

A. Good morning!     B. Good night!        C. Good evening!







(1)根据第一行 My favourite food is fish.我最喜欢的食物是鱼。故选A。

(2)根据第二行, I have rice and chicken for lunch at school.我在学校午餐吃米饭和鸡肉。故选B。

(3)根据第二行I don't like vegetables but I like fruit. 我不喜欢蔬菜但我喜欢水果。故选A。

(4)根据第二行I have rice and chicken for lunch at school. 我在学校午餐吃米饭和鸡肉。故选B。

(5)根据At last (最后) , I say "Good night!" to my mum and dad.最后,我说“晚安!“给我爸妈。故选B。