


The little rabbit is walking on the road. The little squirrel comes to him in a hurry and tells him: "brother rabbit, your mother is ill. Your neighbor Miss kangaroo has called" 120 "for first aid. The ambulance has sent your mother to the animal hospital. Go and have a look!". The little rabbit hurried back home and took the mother's favorite food, including radish, green grass and vegetables. They were all put into the basket and the little rabbit left the house with the basket. He ran to miss kangaroo's house and asked, "Miss kangaroo, which ward does my mother live in?" she said, "your mother lives in ward 1 on the third floor." "Thank you, Miss kangaroo." "You don't have to thank me. Go to see your mother!"

小兔沿着弯弯的小路,跑到了医院,累得满头大汗,他很快就找到了妈妈的病房。妈妈正躺在病床上,黑熊医生正在给她吊水呢。“妈妈,你好些了吗?”妈妈说:“别担心,我现在已经好多了。” 小兔连忙拿出了好吃的食物给妈妈。“妈妈你不用着急,我会自己做家务事的,你就安心养病吧!等养好了病,我就来接你回家。”妈妈听了小兔的话,直夸小兔是个懂事的好孩子。


October 2005