


In recent years, Guinness World Records have been sought after by many people in China, but at the same time, some records have also been questioned by some people. Please write a short passage in English according to the table below, and express your opinions.

支持者 1。 在观看挑战中得到了快乐,同时增长了知识,开拓了视野。

Supporter 1. In watching the challenge, we get happiness, increase knowledge and broaden our horizons.

2。 挑战者坚持不懈的精神值得敬佩。

2. The persistence of the challenger is admirable.

反对者 有些人申报的吉尼斯纪录是无意义的,浪费的,甚至存在着很大的

The Guinness Book of records that some of the opponents have declared is meaningless, wasteful, and even very large



你的观点 ……

Your opinion

One possible version:

Nowadays more and more Chinese people are interested in Guinness records。 They say that it’s a pleasure to watch the challenges and they can learn a lot from them。 What’s more, the determination of the challengers deserves our respect。 Others say that some records which are applied for are meaningless, wasteful and even dangerous for challengers。 In my opinion, we shouldn’t waste a lot of time and money in participating in meaningless challenges but devote ourselves to some interesting, helpful and inspiring activities。

Nowadays more and more Chinese people are interested in Guinness records。 They say that it’s a pleasure to watch the challenges and they can learn a lot from them。 What’s more, the determination of the challengers deserves our respect。 Others say that some records which are applied for are meaningless, wasteful and even dangerous for challengers。 In my opinion, we shouldn’t waste a lot of time and money in participating in meaningless challenges but devote ourselves to some interesting, helpful and inspiring activities。