


Suppose you are Lin Mei, your English pen pal Dave, and asks about your weekend life. Please write back to him according to the following points.

要点: 1。 你通常是如何过周末的;

Important: 1. How do you usually spend your weekends;

2。 你上周的周末生活。

2. Your weekend last week.

提示: 1。 信中要出现下列词汇:usually,

Tip: 1. The following words should appear in the letter: usually,

homework, after that, watch TV, sometimes, play sports, Blue Sky Aquarium, sister, visitors, sharks and dolphins, take photos, singer,



2。 信的开头和结尾已给出。

2. The beginning and end of the letter have been given.

Dear Dave,

Dear Dave,

I’m very glad to get your letter。 You asked me about my life on weekends。 Now let me tell you something about it。

I’m very glad to get your letter。 You asked me about my life on weekends。 Now let me tell you something about it。



Lin Mei



Dear Dave,

Dear Dave,

I’m very glad to get your letter。 You asked me about my life on weekends。 Now let me tell you something about it。

I’m very glad to get your letter。 You asked me about my life on weekends。 Now let me tell you something about it。

I usually spend most time doing my homework at home。 After that, I watch TV for one or two hours。 Sometimes I play sports with my friends。

I usually spend most time doing my homework at home。 After that, I watch TV for one or two hours。 Sometimes I play sports with my friends。

Last weekend, I went to the Blue Sky Aquarium with my sister。 There were many visitors at the aquarium。 We saw some sharks and

Last weekend, I went to the Blue Sky Aquarium with my sister。 There were many visitors at the aquarium。 We saw some sharks and

dolphins there。 They were interesting。 We took photos of them。 There I met my favorite singer。 I got his autograph。

dolphins there。 They were interesting。 We took photos of them。 There I met my favorite singer。 I got his autograph。



Lin Mei