


Trees, year round, from birth to death, are silently and selflessly dedicated to people. But people didn't learn to do something to thank them, but they thought their service was right.


In spring, the trees are full of flowers. The strong fragrance of flowers pervades the whole world. We seem to be immersed in the sea of flowers. In summer, the lush green is like a gust of cool wind, which blows away the hot and dry heat in our hearts. It can also let us enjoy the cool under a top "green umbrella", watching the sun fall inch by inch, counting the twinkling stars In autumn, it produces large and delicious fruits


All year round, the trees can't stop for a moment. Every day, they breathe in the carbon dioxide that people don't need and spit out the oxygen we need. Clean air, beautify the environment, it's really a green guard. When it lives to a certain age, it will dedicate its body to people, let us build houses; give roots to artists, and carve exquisite root carving works.


Trees are great. This society will become so beautiful because of people and things like trees. We should cherish the selfless dedication of Dashu, live, study and cherish life like Dashu, so that we can live a full and meaningful life every day. In the future, with their own excellent