


In my childhood, I met many little friends. Among them, Xu Sijing is my favorite partner.


As a child, she left a bad impression on me. Complacency, pride, look down on others, we all hate her, finally, she transferred. Day by day, we all forget her. Unexpectedly, one day of summer vacation, the sun was blazing, and the hot sun was shining, so I had to hide at home and dare not go out. "Dingling, Dingling" the phone rang, and I hurried to answer it. A strange, familiar and sincere voice sounded. "Hello, Chen Bingqian. I'm Xu Sijing. I was wrong before. Please forgive me." All of a sudden a silent thing went down. I didn't expect that in these years, Xu Sijing has changed so much. With tears in my eyes, I said, "it doesn't matter. If you know something wrong, you can change it. We are still good friends." "Toot" a call to hang up. I angrily left the phone. How I wanted to talk to Xu Sijing again, but she hung up mercilessly.


I don't just like her character of changing when she knows her mistakes, but also her spirit of helping others. Once, I went to travel with her. The scenery along the way was beautiful and fascinating. At this time, we saw a child playing on the road. Xu Sijing said, "let's ask the children to leave the road quickly!" I said, "leave her alone, let's go." She couldn't bear to go on. Suddenly, a car came from behind my friend. The children didn't realize it and were still playing. When Xu Sijing heard the whistle, she knew that the children were in danger. She suddenly turned her head and saw the car, the children and the distance between them. She rushed to the past, crossed the railing, and rushed out of the road with her children in her arms. All the people present praised Xu Sijing, saying that she was the only child who loved helping others. Hearing the praise, Xu Sijing smiled and said, "it's nothing. It's something a young pioneer should do." When they heard her, they were full of praise. But God does not long eyes, in this year when the golden and yellow season is coming, Xu Sijing lost his precious life because of the car accident. Why does god treat her like this, why, why? Although Xu Sijing died, her quality took root and sprouted in my heart. These qualities will always inspire me to move forward!