


  (1)Inappropriate. For the group audit purpose, a member of a group project team may perform work on the component financial information according to the requirements of the group project team, in which case the member is also a component CPA.
  (2)Inappropriate. In addition to identifying components of financial materiality as significant components, components of particular risks that may lead to material misstatements in group financial statements due to their specific nature or circumstances should also be identified as important components.
  (3) Inappropriate. For non-essential components, it is possible for the group project team to obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence even if access to information is restricted.
  (4) Inappropriate. There is no need to prorate the overall importance of the group financial statements when determining the importance of the components. Therefore, the total number of the identified importance of different components may be higher than the overall importance of the group financial statements.
  (5) Inappropriate. The group project team is fully responsible for the audit work and the audit opinion of the group financial statements. This responsibility is not mitigated by the use of the work of the constituent certified public accountants.
