


Ding zero, Ding zero... " The bell rang again after class, although it was a little monotonous, but in our primary school students, it was like a beautiful music. At this time, the students went out of the classroom to enjoy the game. Oh, our happy ten minute break!

看哪!玩卡片的周围早就挤满了人,玩卡片的同学拿出自己心爱的卡片,砰—随着一声巨响,卡片刹那间翻了,“赢了!”有的同学兴奋的喊。有的同学玩悠悠球,有的同学玩跳皮筋,有的同学玩石头、剪子、布,使本来就热闹的校园变得更加热闹。 玩卡片的吵闹声,同学的玩耍声,合成了一曲欢乐的交响曲。丁零零,丁零零……”上课铃声却不知趣地在这时响了起来。时间过的真快呀!


Ah, although ten minutes is short, it brings us infinite fun. It makes the students' body and mind happy, makes the tense study relaxed, makes the friendship between the students more profound, and makes our life colorful!