

秋天来了,秋姑娘徐徐而来,轻轻地、轻轻地,来到了果园,她给果园增添了许多丰收的快乐。 果园里,到处是勃勃生机的景物。苹果红红的,像一个害羞的小姑娘。梨树上挂着的梨子,像一个个风铃。时而吹来一阵秋风,吹得树叶“沙沙”作响,似乎在演奏着“秋天的歌曲”。


At this time, there was a gust of fragrance on the grape shelf, oh! It turned out to be a bunch of crystal clear grapes mature, they are like beautiful pearls. All of a sudden, words came from the vineyard, which were heard by the children who helped the farmers to collect grapes.

他们想:大概是葡萄在讨论它们的颜色为什么和别的果子不一样吧? 从远处向果园望去,隐隐约约地看见农民伯伯和小朋友们喜悦的笑脸。从近处看,一片五颜六色丰收的海洋在向我们品频频招手……