

我家有一只黑白相间的小花猫 。因为它很喜欢“咪咪、咪咪”地叫,所以我给它取名叫“咪咪”。它十分可爱,表面上看去很文静,其实,它可调皮着呢!它非常喜欢干净,每次吃饱饭以后,它就用自己的前爪摸嘴、摸脸,它是在洗脸和嘴巴呢!有时,他还会用舌头舔身上的毛,为自己洗澡,洗完了,还得意地挠挠我的脚,好像在问:“小主人,你看我干净吗?”


Kitten Mimi has many advantages, but sometimes it is also very naughty. This afternoon, I will take my composition to my schoolbag. Suddenly, the composition paper was accidentally dropped by me. It happened to be seen by the playful kitten. He came up and made a sudden brake action. He stretched out his front paw and moved the composition paper for a while. Then he ran to the distance and looked at the composition paper vigilantly. I was about to pick it up. Mimi saw it. I rushed over and I was so scared that I took my hand back. Mimi scratched my composition paper. I was so angry that I ignored it all afternoon. It has been around me "Mimi, Mimi" to call, it seems to comfort me, I have to reconcile with it.


My "Mimi" is very cute, isn't it? Do you want to see it? Come if you want to see it!