


On a sunny Sunday, my mother and I, Wang zhaoheng and his mother, four people, went to Jingxiu park to play.


As soon as I enter the park gate, what I see first is two striking and handsome characters, surrounded by bright flowers. There are golden chrysanthemums, Pink Peonies, beautiful roses and blue bell flowers. They are very fragrant and beautiful.


Walk along the path to the deep part of the park. Once we turn around, we can see the artificial lake. What a big artificial lake! There is an island in the center of the lake. The green lake is like a huge emerald, which is extremely beautiful against the blue sky. There are boats floating on the lake. Some of them are like ducks, some are like pandas, and some are like......


If you continue to play in the park, you can come to the foot of the mountain. From the foot of the mountain, you can see a small pavilion where some people rest, some play games, and some play chess......


What a beautiful park!