

今天,我校在体育馆隆重举行校运会,校运会开始时,主席台上坐着校长、教导主 任等 老师。谢校长宣布校运会开始噼噼啪啪的爆竹声、锣鼓声和同学们的口令声,震天动地汇成一片欢乐的海洋。


The teacher announced that the long-distance race was about to start, and the athletes were ready for their starting line. At the sound of the gun, the athletes rushed out like arrows. The faster the five people ran, the faster you chased me, and then you ran to the end. I was so tired that I was sweating and panting. Then there are high jump, long jump, sprint and so on


Through this exercise, students not only get exercise, but also improve their physical quality.