


Today, my mother and I did leaf stickers together.


We picked up a lot of all kinds of leaves. There are cypress leaves, mulberry leaves, clove leaves.


I thought: what to do? Just make a whisper! So, I took a clove leaf to cut the shape of the fish's head, and put glue on the back of it. Another ginkgo leaf is used as the tail of the fish, which is also pasted on the paper, so a beautiful little fish appears on the paper. Then I made another fish in the same way. Put them mouth to mouth. It's easy to whisper! I also pasted pieces of coral under them with cypress leaves. In this way, the "little fish" can "walk" and "whisper" in the coral! In the end, I painted bubbles for "little fish". It turns out that they have endless "whispers". I also painted the sea, so a "whisper" happened in the sea appeared in front of me.


Looking at this beautiful leaf sticker made by ourselves, my mother and I laughed happily.