


A few days ago, my father and mother went to work, only my brother and I were at home.


My brother and I were playing at home. Suddenly, I found that my brother was a little uncomfortable. I would touch his head and then my head, ah! My brother's head is much hotter than mine. My brother must have a fever! What shall I do? I thought: last time I had a fever, my mother took some ice and put it on my head, and my high temperature slowly fell down. If I also learned from my mother to put ice on my brother's head, wouldn't my brother's high temperature also fall down? I immediately went to the fridge to get ice, only to find that there was no ice in the fridge.


Think again: if I put my brother in the refrigerator and freeze it, the temperature of my brother will definitely drop. Then I quickly hid my brother in the refrigerator. At this time, my mother went home to open the refrigerator and found that my brother's eyes were closed. I think my brother must have fallen asleep, so she asked me, "how can I put my brother in the refrigerator? Don't you want your brother's life? Mother saw his brother's face was blue, so she sent him to the hospital. The doctor said, "my brother has a fever." At this time, my mother touched my head and said to me heart and soul: "how can I put something alive in the refrigerator? It will freeze to death. If you have any problems in the future, you should think more. Today, you have done a bad thing. Fortunately, mom came home in time. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable. I lowered my head and couldn't say a word for a long time. My red face shed sad tears. "


Through this matter, I have learned the truth that living things cannot be frozen in the refrigerator, and I will never do such dangerous stupid things again.