


Today, I came to the classroom, where the students walked around, looking like ants on the hot pot. I went to inquire, yo! It turned out that the key had fallen into the classroom


What shall I do? It's about ten minutes before class. The students are talking about it. The monitor first came up with a way. He took a bamboo pole and tied a small hook with a small rope on it. He called Yu Peixuan, the highest student in our class, and asked Yu Peixuan to carefully hook the key with the bamboo pole. It's good that the key was caught. Everyone is so happy that the key will be hooked up, All of a sudden, he shook his hand. It was terrible. The key slipped down and fell under the table. It was impossible to hook it. The students were in a hurry again. They were about to have class. They had no choice

这时班上有个外号叫"智多星"的同学(刘能迪)在一旁细心观察,忽然,他叫同学们:"看,那上面有扇窗户没有关."于是,他选择了我班一个身体最胖而且很勇敢的同学(荣强) ,然后男同学们就把他费力地往上面举,他自己也使劲地往上爬,旁边的女同学在呐喊助威,眼看就到窗口了,但是,荣强的手一滑,掉下来了,同学们并没有泄气,多增加几个同学一起把他往上举,他自己使出了吃奶的力气向上爬,终于爬到窗口了,但他那胖胖的身体怎么挤也挤不进去.没办法,他只好下来."智多星"又叫来班上个子最小的同学(杨欣),身体虽瘦小,但看上去很能干.同学们把杨欣轻松地举上了窗台上,他灵巧地爬了进去.


"Ah! "The door was finally opened, and the students went to the classroom happily. Soon, Mr. Huang came, and she smiled knowingly when the students told her what had just happened


This little thing is small, but it makes me realize that we can do anything well as long as we work together