


During the summer vacation, when I played with my friends, I watched them riding bicycles, coming and going freely, and I was envious. In the evening, I discussed with my parents: I also want to learn bicycles, and buy one for me. Mom and Dad agreed.


At noon the next day, my mother took me to buy a bicycle. She chose right from left in the shop and finally picked a red "running wolf" car.


When I came back, I immediately began to learn in the yard in front of the building. When I started to learn, my mother helped the car with her hands, and I pedaled slowly, which was very hard to ride. After several times, I felt that I could ride, so I let my mother loose her hands and tried to ride by myself. However, due to the too strong force, the car rushed forward and I nervously forgot to brake. As a result, the car turned upside down. My leg is blue, too. I didn't lose heart. I got up and rode. Half a day later, I could ride for a while.

第二天一早,爸爸妈妈带我到涞百广场学骑车,广场上没有一个人。 我想:人少正好我尽情地学车,没人笑我,又不怕碰着别人了。开始妈妈给我扶了一段,妈妈见我可以了,就悄悄松开了手,我以为妈妈还给我扶着呢,还照样的骑,等我停下来时,妈妈在远处看着我会心的笑呢。我越骑越熟练,学会了拐弯、刹车、下车……


In the afternoon, my parents and I went to my grandfather's house by bike. When Grandpa saw my bike, he praised me for learning fast.


Near the end of summer vacation, I finally learned, from learning the car, I learned a truth: to do things with perseverance, not afraid of hardship, not afraid of fatigue, persist will succeed!