


In the sunshine, the mother chicken led the baby chicken to the grass in front of my house. It's interesting for these chick babies to walk. This one just fell down, and that one fell again. The last black baby simply lay in the grass to bask in the sun.


Mother chicken taught her baby chicken to eat grass leaves and catch insects. She had already forgotten the black baby.


On the stone pile not far from the grass, the lazy cat is sleeping. A lazy man woke up. Gee, chicken! Lazy cat is happy. I think it's a long time since I have eaten chicken meat. It's really hard to find a place to break through iron shoes. It won't take any time to come! The lazy cat arched his back, jumped down the stone pile, and walked slowly towards the black baby. Black baby did not know the danger at this time, still in the sun.


Just at this critical moment, the mother chicken came in a hurry, cackled as she ran, and the feathers on her neck also stood up. Oh, what a prestige. At the sight of the lazy cat, she was frightened to step back. The mother chicken spread her wings and pecked at the lazy cat with her hard mouth. The lazy cat backed away, turned back quickly and ran.


Mother chicken combs black baby's feathers with her mouth, comforts her gently, and leads her back to the chickens.