

国庆节的前一天,我和爸爸,妈妈跟他们朋友一家三口一起去大连玩儿。 经过了将近4个小时的颠簸我们终于来到了目的地-大连。大连是个美丽的城市,街道很干净,人也很热情。风景怡人。


After a rest the next day we came to golden beach. At a glance, we could see the sky connected with the sea and the sea connected with the sky. The scenery was very spectacular. I realized the artistic conception of sea and sky. The sun shines on the sea, like a layer of gold, sparkling. A bunch of waves beat on the golden beach, making a loud sound, like a warm host welcoming guests from afar, or a gentle mother gently patting the sleeping child.

海滩上有一些的石头,爸爸的朋友李叔叔说石头的下面有小螃蟹,我们不信,于是李叔叔掀起石头果然在石头下面有好多小螃蟹,受到惊吓的它们四散奔逃,叔叔手疾眼快一下能抓好几只,可好玩了! 我还在海边捡到了一个美丽的海螺,海螺的里面是黄色的,还有一条条黑色的纹路,外边是灰白色的,漂亮极了。


The sea here is so blue and the water is so clear. I really want to go to the sea. Unfortunately, in autumn, my mother said that the water is too cold to swim. Brother Guanqiao and I had to play and build a castle by the sea. Uncle Zhao, my little brother's father, also joined in. Our castle was built firmly. The sea water came in waves. Haha, it didn't break down by the sea water. I also left my fingerprints and footprints on the beach! At this time, I think of the text of our Chinese class, fairy tales on the beach


The vacation is over in a flash. I should go home. I really hate to leave here. I thought to myself, "goodbye, sea. I'll see you again later.