


One day in summer vacation, mom and Dad were not at home. I finished my homework and felt that I had nothing to do. All of a sudden, I saw that the living room floor was very dirty, so I wanted to help mom and dad mop the floor, but I never dragged the floor before. Can I do it?

我有些犹豫,可我转念一想,不试一试怎么知道行不行呢?按照妈妈的方法肯定行。 我拿来已被洗过的拖把,就在地上拖了起来,看到哪里脏就拖哪里,一会儿拖拖这,一会儿拖拖那,心里美滋滋的,还想着会得到妈妈的表扬,等我把地给拖完时,不禁吓了一大跳,怎么越拖越脏了呀?地板都变成了“大花脸”了。


Ash here, there. Look at this. Let alone be praised. Is it too late to be criticized? I want to drag it again. Just then, my mother came back and looked at the dirty ground and the sweaty me. She seemed to know about it. She came up to me and said, "drag it up and down in order." I listened to my mother's words, and dragged it again. Soon, a piece of clean land appeared in front of me.


Mopping seems simple, but it has a lot of knowledge. But as long as you do everything carefully, I believe you can succeed.