


My hometown is in Ningbo. It is a city with beautiful scenery and rich products, especially Fenghua peach, which is famous far and near.


In early spring and March, the peach trees all over the mountains opened their smiling faces. Under the sunshine, one pink peach blossom looks like a gorgeous red glow, which is extremely gorgeous.

春去夏来,嫩红的枝头上挂满了一个个青青的小桃子,羞羞答答地躲藏在狭长的深绿色的桃叶丛中,如果你摘下一个咬一口,这味道又硬又涩,让你忍不住直吐舌头。 到六、七月份的时候,早桃上市了,它青里泛着红,样子就像放大的鸡心,有我们拳头一般大,遍身长满了又细又软的绒毛。只要在清水中洗净了绒毛,咬一口,味道又脆又甜。


Until August and September, nectarines are really mature. They are as big as adults' fists. Take one off, peel off the thin peach skin gently, bite on one, and the water will suddenly seep into your heart. It is refreshing and thirst quenching. The more you eat, the more you want to eat, the less you can eat.


If you don't believe me, have a taste!