


It's autumn, but it's still so sultry. These days, the weather has changed, it's raining, the fog has been dispersed, and the fresh air has come out.


After the rain, the sky is as blue as wash, only a few light white clouds float in the air, the sun is about to drill out of the clouds, but why is it still gloomy in the west? Look, there is a rainbow with seven colors in the West. It matches the blue sky and white clouds. It is like a wreath woven by a bouquet of flowers. It is attached to the skirt of the blue skirt, which makes people happy and refreshed. Passers-by stopped at the same time and said in unison, "what a beautiful rainbow!" The color of the rainbow is really beautiful. It's colorful. It's a natural transition from red to purple, without any affectation or patchwork. It's really enjoyable.

写到彩虹,于是,我不禁想起了 “雨过天晴白云飘,蓝天架起彩虹桥,赤橙黄青蓝紫,数数一共有七条”的诗句。