奥运精神 伴我成长



Just in the third grade, my mother transferred me to garden primary school. Farewell to the familiar teachers and small partners, my heart is always some uncomfortable, came to a strange environment, saw a strange teacher and classmates, I was a little afraid. Especially in the first few days, a few naughty male students often came to make trouble. Once, I couldn't help tearing one of my classmates' books. The teacher criticized me and asked me to exchange my books with that student. My heart was very upset and told my mother about it.

妈妈和老师通了一个小时的电话,了解了情况。谈话后,妈妈把我找来,亲切地对我说:“2008年北京就要举办奥运会了,有好多老外会来中国参加奥运会,如果你是一名运动员,你会怎么做?”我想了想说:“我一定会为祖国拿冠军,当然我也会好好招待他们。。。。。。”妈妈笑着摸了摸我的头,又说:“奥运精神提倡相互了解、宽慰、谦让、团结、平等 ,在一个陌生地方,我们和陌生人也要这样相处,这样就能交到很多朋友。”我点了点头。


Later, in school, I united with my classmates, and we worked together for the class to win honor, I really made a lot of friends. The Olympic spirit taught me to associate with strangers. In the future, I will make more friends with the Olympic spirit.