


My name is Hong Xinyi. Some students just call me "lizard".


I asked my mother, "Mom, how can you give me such a bad name?"


"No?" My mother said, "Xin is happy and Yi is beautiful." Hearing the name, you will know that you are a happy and beautiful girl. " But I still feel bad. Alas! No way. I knew that. At that time, I wouldn't let my mother name me. Of course, it's impossible. Ha ha

在学校,我“文静”甚至有点儿“胆小”,老师说我属于“内秀型”。因为我爱画画、爱看书、爱写字…… 我的画和手工制作曾经在学校举办的比赛中得到过一等奖。我看了很多课外书,我的作文经常被老师作为范文在班上念呢!我在课余时间还去学习硬笔书法。但是,我很“胆小”,上课不敢举手发言,因为怕答错了被同学们笑话;不敢参加文艺活动,因为我不喜欢唱歌跳舞。


At home, I am not "static" at all. Whenever I have time, I like "moving" -- skateboarding, playing, swimming, double pole jumping


This is me, a "dynamic and static" me.