


It rained last night. The puddle in the path was full of mud. Leaves cling to the path like bandages on wounds. A car drove by, splashed with waves, let pedestrians hide far away. Children are playing and playing with the water.


It rained last night. The trees on the road are stronger and greener. The crystal water on the leaves is rolled around by the wind. The blooming flowers are fragile and many petals have fallen. It's really "how many flowers fall".


It rained last night. The prairie is strong and tall. Can be a rain, all down, back to the sky. At this time, the grass light green color, dark green color, wave after wave, are all good-looking. They won't stand until the sun has dried them.


It rained last night. The stream and muddy water rushed to the river, which was even dirtier. Mud, leaves, rubbish All ran into the river. The river doesn't care about this, and continues to carry them to the sea.


One after another, it rained at night. Oh, the rainy season is coming.