


On Saturday afternoon, I have nothing to do. It suddenly occurred to me that I could play with plasticine. I opened the box of the plasticine and the colorful plasticine appeared in front of me. What can these Plasticines do? I thought, red can be made into tomatoes, green can be made into cucumbers, white can be made into lotus roots, yellow can be made into potatoes. I choose a red color to make a strawberry.


So, I began to knead like my mother and face. Put the putty in my palm and rub it hard. Gradually my hand gets hotter and softer. I opened my palm and saw: ah, the putty is as smooth as a pebble.

一切准备妥当,开始入模子了。我选了一个草莓模子,把模子放在桌子上,把橡皮泥使劲往里面塞,直到塞不下为直。最后该拿出橡皮泥了,我心里 想:“如果做不好,怎么办呀!”可是总不能不打开呀!我用食指轻轻的顶住橡皮泥使它倾斜,先把高的一端取出来了,慢慢的把低出一端也取出来了。我一看完好无损,我真高兴!又做了许多蔬菜,都像真的一样!


I like playing with plasticine, I like today!