

放假了,妈妈对我说:“同学们都会骑自行车了,你怎么办?”我说:“我不学,骑车不安全,万一摔坏了怎么办呢,我还是以后再学吧”。妈妈严肃地对我说:“不行,以后在学,今天推明天 ,明天推后天,什么时候学会呀!”“我长大了买汽车不就行了”我小声说“这么一点困难你就被吓倒,不行,一定得学”。“那……就试试看吧”。于是就从这个星期六开始,妈妈教我骑车子。


On Saturday and Sunday, mom and Dad took me to school. At first, I cried and refused to take the car. Dad said, "don't be afraid. I'll hold you back." "Good." I got on the car, "I'll ride with you." I rode up safely and boldly. I didn't even know that my father had let go at the back. Suddenly, I fell to the ground carelessly, and it hurt so much. I cried, "no more learning, no more learning.". Mom said, "you will fall down if you learn to drive a car. If you are afraid of falling, you will never learn." Dad went over and said, "you've been able to ride just now. You see I'm there. I've let go for a long time. It's all you're riding. As long as you learn to ride again and practice.". "Ah! I will "I'm so happy to jump three feet" and finally learn to ride a bike! "!


Learning to ride a car makes me understand a truth: learning something, as long as you are not afraid of hardship and fatigue, you will be able to learn it.