


Today, I went to Texas with my mother, brother and aunt.


In the morning, we got on aunt's car happily. There was no air conditioning on the car, and it was sultry in the car, so we had to open the window and close it when it was cool. No one thought it was a sign of rain. After a while, it rained cats and dogs outside. When we arrived at Dayan Island, it was still raining, so we went to the ecological park for shelter. I said, "go swimming!" Mom said, "no, it's not ten o'clock yet. Hot spring city is not open. Besides, you can't swim without a full meal!" We had to go to the ecological garden for dinner.


In front of the restaurant, I saw a big fish pond with many big carp, red, yellow and white. My aunt said it was "sucking fish" and asked me to feed it. An uncle gave me a bottle with water and fish in it. I put the milk bottle on the edge of the fish pond and tapped it gently, and the fish all swam over. One by one, they were competing for milk. However, a big yellow fish was a "real villain!" It bit the rubber pacifier, and another redfish got angry. He clapped his tail on the water, ah! Drench the mother who is in the video into a "drowned chicken", even I "can't escape this robbery".


After having a full meal, I staggered to the water park - Dayan Island hot spring city, and got the key. My brother and I ran into the men's dressing room together, changed our swimming trunks to the entrance and waited for my mother and aunt. When mom saw that we were barefoot, she asked us to go back and put on our shoes and lock the cupboard.

我们先做热身运动,慢慢走进冲浪池,哇!好冷!糟了!我凡是看到、听到、想到、碰到水都会条件反射,要上厕所…。。 妈妈让我先把水轻轻往身上撩,适应水的温度。我跑进水深一米的地方,一下呛了口水,哇!怎么感觉是纯净水呢!我高兴得乱游。怕冷的姑姑可不行了,冻得直哆嗦。我也觉得越来越冷,牙碰得咯咯响,便一起去了温泉池的境内。沿着扶梯到了“笑脸泉”里,哈哈!果然暖和多了,一会我和老妈又进了“太极泉”,哎呦,好热!我又跑出来了。当时正有个大管子往外喷水呢,好多人都捂着耳朵让水往身上喷,我哥哥把它叫做“风暴海湾”。哥哥问我:“要不要加入然然冒险队?(哥哥的小名叫然然)和队长一起去冒险?”哈哈!他真滑稽!


It's getting dark. We are reluctant to leave Dayan island and Texas.


Ah! What a memorable day!