


Today, I went to my father's office.


I have nothing to do, see the cigarette end on the ground, think about it, think of a way.


This method is: I use a small wooden stick to pick up the cigarette butts on the ground, put them together, count them and see how many cigarette butts there are.


Do as you say, "one, two, three..." I counted and found 26 for the first time. After that, I picked 95 in the room and outside, the first time and the second time. At this time, I stood up, wiped a handful of sweat and began to pick it up. Suddenly, I came up with an idea: take a plastic bag, put the cigarette end in the plastic bag first, and then put it in the designated place.


"Ah! Finally, it's finished. There are 126 cigarette butts in total! "


Smoke a cigarette and you'll lose 0 in your life. 5 seconds. 126, equivalent to the loss of 63 seconds of life.


People! Stop smoking, you know, smoking is harmful to your health!