


Today, I read a very interesting idiom story - "hide your ears and steal your bells". This story mainly tells about a man who covers his ears to steal a bell, but is found by others.


The man who stole the bell in the story covered his ears and thought that if he could not hear it, others would not. I think that man is really stupid. Isn't he just deluding himself by doing so?


There are a lot of people in the story of hiding their ears and stealing their bells. Even myself is often a "thief". In school classes, I sometimes listen to a math problem is not particularly understand, the teacher asked the students at the end of the understand, I will follow the students together to answer: understand. It's time to do homework. It's actually a similar math problem. Although I don't know how to write it, I'm still scratching my head. The homework was handed out, all the scariest red forks, and a lot of jokes.


In this way, I'm just like the person in "hiding my ears and stealing the bell". I'm not only deluding myself, but also seeing some adults do the same thing in life.

我们不应该学习大人们这点。我想: 今后不管在学习上、工作中应该懂就懂,不懂就不能装懂,掩饰自己的缺点,要不然会做出让人发笑的事情。