


One afternoon, when I came home from school, I heard my mother and father discussing in the room, "shall we let Jiamian learn to swim?" "He's still young. Let's wait for his second grade!" I can't help shivering after listening to the conversation between my parents. I dare not enter the room. Because I fell into the bath when I was a child, it's a bad taste!


I've been worried, but this terrible thing happened. One day, my mother took my hand and said, "let's go swimming." "No, I don't want to go swimming, I don't want to go to the swimming pool!" I shouted holding the sofa But I was finally dragged to the swimming pool by my mother.


The students are all here. One by one, we are underwater. The coach told us to lay our hands flat and bury our heads in the water. Practice the most basic action - hold your breath. But I didn 't expect to hold on for three seconds, and I couldn' t hold back and poked my head out of the water. The coach said to me, "if you want to hold your breath for a long time, you have to take a big breath. Do you understand?" I took a big breath according to the coach's instructions, and then buried my head in the water. Sure enough, I held it longer than before. I was in full bloom and shouted to my mother, "I will hold my breath!"


Next, the coach let us play the game of "drilling the cave". He put his hand in the water and let the students "drill" through his hands. The students are all "drilling" past, it's my turn to play. I inhaled enough air, put my head into the water and accidentally touched the coach's hand. When I was nervous, I opened my mouth and choked several salivas before I "drilled" from the coach's hands. How dangerous!


After careful instruction from the coach, I finally learned to swim. I can swim in the water like a small fish, like a frog, and I can swim in the deep pool with my big brother. How cool!


I learned to swim. I'm not afraid of water any more. Since then, when my mother mentioned taking me to swim, I would always happily agree.