


Dad, I want to say to you, "you are very concerned about me, about my study and life. You often help me to correct my shortcomings, but you don't pay attention to your shortcomings. You smoke, drink, and others give you advice, and you don't accept it."


I remember once when we had dinner together, but you were eating, drinking and smoking at the same time. The whole table was filled with smoke and alcohol. My mother said to you, "old generation, you can't eat like this. It's so annoying!" But you won't listen. I also advise you to say, "Dad, you can't smoke when you eat. There is nicotine in the smoke. Smoking is harmful to your health. You can't drink too much alcohol. It's easy to get poisoned. " I

满以为您会点头说好,可是您却拍拍胸膛说:“怕什么,你看我是何等的健康,何等的强壮!”我们对您无可奈何。 还有一次,我正在玩洋娃娃,您又开始抽烟,那是一支接一支地抽啊!本来房间就小,一会儿功夫,整个房间里就像那个西游记里边的天庭,是云雾缭绕,呛得我喘不过气来。


I quickly said to you: "Dad, stop smoking, smoking is harmful to your health!" But you didn't listen and said, "go, what do children know? A cigarette after dinner is like a fairy. " Then he proudly spits out a smoke ring. I said angrily, "Dad, you smoke, I suffer!" This time you said apologetically, "son, go out and play. Let dad smoke another cigarette, and he will not smoke. He must not." I had to pout out to play.

可是等我回来,您嘴上却还叼着一支烟。。。。。。 爸爸啊爸爸,您不知道啊,我经常梦见你戒烟了,戒酒了,我多么想对您说:“不要再抽烟了,不要再喝酒了,您也听听我们的意见,就像我听您的话一样改正错误吧!”