


On Sunday afternoon, my father and I came to the seaside to fish happily.


First, I found a suitable place and began to fish. I didn't fish first. I learned two skills from my father before I went fishing. After reading this, I learned the way my father did. First, I hung the bait in the hook and threw out the line. But after a few minutes, the fish were not fooled, but they were all fished by my father. All of a sudden, my self-confidence was like being blown away by a gust of wind. I was just about to play on the grass. Dad said, "you can't do things with two minds. You have to do things with one mind." Finish saying, my self-confidence appears in my heart again, I began to fish again, less than 10 minutes later, I finally caught a big fish.


In the end, I learned to do things with one mind, not two minds. If you double-minded, things will go wrong.