


The earth, a planet where we are raised. However, some people are doing a series of environmental damage to the earth, and even think it doesn't matter. This is not the case. If the earth is destroyed, then human beings will be destroyed. Protecting the environment is the duty of every citizen. Let's say last Wednesday, I also took part in the green protection activities.


At 12 o'clock that afternoon, our third grade students were going to be a "little green guard". I saw my class in a neat line, under the guidance of the teacher, we came to our third grade "work" place, which is the public street in front of the small shop next to our school. Ah! It's a street in front of a small shop. No matter what it is, there are all sorts of strange things: plastic bags for stinking tofu, Duzi for meat kebabs, even noodles and bones


The operation "little green guard" will begin immediately. First of all, Mr. Jin told us that the "work" we have to do is to pick up the garbage here, pull out the weeds in the flower bed, and pay attention to safety. With that, we began to work. I turned up my sleeves first, so as not to make my clothes dirty, so I went into the flower bed with a garbage bag. Entering the lawn, I saw a plastic can hidden in the flower bed at a glance. Happy in my heart: ha ha, I found garbage just after entering the flower bed. It's so nice! So I reached out to pick it up. Unexpectedly, there was a kind of grass with thorns growing in the flower bed. The back of my right hand accidentally touched the thorns, and I was scratched with a trace, which brought out a little blood. It was painful. I quickly covered it with my hand. At this moment, the happiness just now has disappeared, replaced by pain and anger. Something? Damn it, I'm not going to do it! I thought. But I can't help but think of the time when I saw Chapter 10 of the book of citizen's morality "protect the environment and treat the earth kindly", which said: "protecting the ecological environment is the duty of every citizen." Isn't what we are doing protecting the ecological environment?


Besides, it's just a scratch. What's so remarkable? The Red Army has survived the long march of 25000 Li. What's the point of flesh and skin injury? Thinking of this, I reached out to pick up the plastic can and put it in the garbage bag. At the same time, I found that others have picked it up a lot, so I rushed to pick it up, trying to do more to protect the environment. Finally, it's time for me to carry two heavy garbage bags to the dustbin and throw away the garbage I picked up this time. It's sweeter than honey. After the event, I thought: Although I can only do these things for environmental protection now, I will make more and better contributions to the protection of the earth's environment when I grow up, so that the earth will always be beautiful and brilliant!