

每当看见别人在欢快地捉螃蟹的时候,我便会情不自禁的想起那段社会实践活动中的那美好的捉螃蟹时光。 那是社会实践活动最后一项活动“捉螃蟹”,我们盼盼盼终于盼到了这欢乐的时刻,我们和教练一路小跑冲向小竹林,听完教练的话,我们便四散而开,冲向小溪寻找自己的“风水宝地”去了。

Whenever I see other people catching crabs happily, I can't help but think of that wonderful time in social practice. It was the last activity of social practice activity "catching crabs". We hope Panpan can finally reach this happy moment. We ran all the way to the bamboo forest with our coach. After listening to the coach, we scattered and rushed to the stream to find our own "Fengshui treasure land".

不久,我便挑了块“风水宝地”,我朝四周望了望,四周都是泥巴,上面衬托着一颗颗美丽的鹅卵石,溪水很细,几乎成了一条条青丝带,阵阵清风迎面扑来,使人神清气爽。 我开始捉螃蟹了,我的手像工业生产机一样,总不停歇,不停的挖,可是螃蟹总是不露面,气得我直跺脚,不时地对石头发牢骚,再瞅一瞅大家一个个面露喜色,手上捧着一座座螃蟹山,我又羞又没面子,于是只好再弯下腰找螃蟹去了。这时,我漫不经心的翻起一块石头,里面居然有一只小螃蟹,顿时我精神百倍,露出贪婪的目光,小螃蟹见我不怀好意,便没命地逃跑,但我也不逊色,看我的闪电霹雳腿!“嗖”的一声,我便领先在小螃蟹的前面了,小螃蟹知道跑是跑不过我的,于是便来了个急刹车,停了下来,接着扭扭屁股,两只大钳子挥舞,似乎在向我挑战,于是我壮着胆子,一弯腰,一猛扑,轻轻松松地便抓到了它。

Soon, I picked out a piece of "Fengshui treasure land". I looked around. There were mud all around. There were many beautiful pebbles on it. The stream was very thin and almost became a green ribbon. The gusts of wind came to face and made people feel refreshed. I began to catch crabs. My hand was like an industrial production machine. I kept digging, but the crabs never showed up. I was so angry that I stamped my feet and complained about the stones from time to time. Then I looked at everyone's faces. I held crabs in my hands. I was ashamed and shameless, so I had to bend down to look for crabs. At this time, I casually turned up a stone. There was a little crab in it. Suddenly, I was full of energy and greedy. Seeing my bad intention, the little crab ran away. But I was no inferior. Look at my lightning leg! With a "whoosh" sound, I was ahead of the little crab. The little crab knew that he could not run me, so he came to an emergency brake, stopped, and then twisted his butt. Two big pincers waved, as if they were challenging me. So I had the courage to bend down, swoop, and catch it easily.

看看它长成什么样吧,于是在内心的催促下,我张开了攥紧的拳头,正当我准备细看时,小螃蟹趁我眨眼时,像当初,轻松地来到我的手上,又轻松地离开了我的手上,而且还恋恋不舍地在我的手上留下了一道红色之吻。 螃蟹没抓到,却留下了一身伤,我不甘心!我不甘心!我一定要把全部螃蟹都挖出来,我在心中呐喊着。于是我翻着一块又一块的石头。

See what it looks like, so I opened my clenched fist at the urging of my heart. Just as I was about to look into it, when I blinked, the little crab came to my hand easily, left my hand easily, and also reluctantly left a red kiss on my hand. Crab did not catch, but left a body injury, I am not willing to! I don't like it! I must dig out all the crabs, I cry in my heart. So I turned over one stone after another.


Finally, I found a pair of young "husband and wife" under a stone. They found out that I was crazy about them, so they held hands, helped each other in the same boat, and ran away together, "hee hee, simple, grab one and send one!" I think. So as soon as I squatted down and reached out, I grabbed them at one stroke without any effort. I looked up to the sky and laughed: "where are you going to escape this time! Ha ha! ".

接着,我便张开手掌一看,惊呆了,手里又是空空如也,可是手上又多了几道红色之吻。 虽然没有抓到螃蟹,还留了一身的泥巴和红印印,但是捉螃蟹的乐趣是无与伦比的,它将在我记忆的宝库中留下重重的一笔。。。。。

Then I opened my hand and looked at it. I was shocked. It was empty again, but there were several more red kisses on my hand. Although I didn't catch the crab, but also left a body of mud and red prints, but the fun of catching the crab is unparalleled, it will leave a lot of money in my memory.....