

北京市政府已将每月11日定为“排队日”。 “排队日”活动收到了良好的社会效果。假设你是李华,现在请你根据下列提示,用英语给某报社写一封信,呼吁在全国范围内开展“排队日”的活动。

The Beijing municipal government has set the 11th of every month as the "queuing day". The "queuing day" activity has received good social effects. If you are Li Hua, please write a letter to a newspaper office in English according to the following tips, calling for "queuing day" nationwide.


The main contents of the letter are as follows:

1。 北京的“排队日”有助于人们享受更轻松、更和谐的生活,其它城市可借鉴;

1. Beijing's "queuing day" helps people enjoy a more relaxed and harmonious life, which other cities can learn from;

2。 一些人在购物或等车时不排队,定一个“排队日”是对他们的提醒,这样,人们会逐渐养成自觉排队的好习惯;

2. Some people don't line up when they are shopping or waiting for the bus. Setting a "queuing day" is a reminder to them. In this way, people will gradually form a good habit of consciously queuing up;

3。 希望每天都成为“排队日”,这样,我们的社会更加美好。

3. I hope every day will be a "queuing day", so that our society will be better.

注意:1。 不必逐条翻译,可适当发挥;

Note: 1. It is not necessary to translate one by one, but to give full play to it;

2。 词数:100左右;

2. Number of words: about 100;

3。 参考词汇: 排队日Lining-up Day; 和谐的harmonious

3. Reference Vocabulary: lining up day; harmonious harmony

One possible version:

Dear Editor,

A Lining-up Day has been set in Beijing and it helps people enjoy an easier and more harmonious life。 This has set a good example for other cities。 Nowadays, some people are unwilling to line up when they are doing their shopping or waiting for the bus, so I think it is necessary to establish a Lining-up Day to remind them。 In this way, people will form the good habit of lining up voluntarily。 I do hope that we will stick to this practice and popularize it until each day becomes a Lining-up Day。 I’m sure it will make a big difference and our society will become more and more pleasant。

A Lining-up Day has been set in Beijing and it helps people enjoy an easier and more harmonious life。 This has set a good example for other cities。 Nowadays, some people are unwilling to line up when they are doing their shopping or waiting for the bus, so I think it is necessary to establish a Lining-up Day to remind them。 In this way, people will form the good habit of lining up voluntarily。 I do hope that we will stick to this practice and popularize it until each day becomes a Lining-up Day。 I’m sure it will make a big difference and our society will become more and more pleasant。



Li Hua