


Recently, I read a report about the auction of the rabbit head and mouse head in Yuanmingyuan, and I feel very angry. The rabbit head and mouse head were originally our Chinese things, but now they are auctioned by foreigners, which is the shame of our Chinese people. Therefore, I think of the text "destruction of Yuanmingyuan", which I just learned.


Yuanmingyuan is the crystallization of many people's wisdom! How much valuable time has been spent. But in 1860, she was robbed by the British and French forces and set on fire for three days and three nights. There are only a few stumps left in the Old Summer Palace.


This group of hateful bandits are domineering and arbitrary in China's territory. A world-famous heritage is thus destroyed in their hands. They not only burned the long history and culture of our country, but also destroyed the brilliant civilization.


Yuanmingyuan has lost its former glory. I feel extremely angry and sorry.


I have made up my mind that from now on, I must study hard, increase my ability and revitalize China. Only when our motherland is strong can we not be insulted by others.