


In a chirp, a pair of twin birds were born, and the two sisters grew up healthily under the care of their mother. In an instant, they grow into two beautiful birds.


One day, my sister and sister were talking about their wishes, when a big bird came and asked, "tell me your wishes, I can make them come true."


"My wish is to be a bird that can get food without hard work. It's too hard for mom and dad to look for food every day. I don't want to learn from them. " Sister said first. "Well, tomorrow you'll fly south." The big bird said.


"My wish is to give me a world of birds, without * * and killing, so that I and my partners can live freely." The elder sister said. "Good. You'll fly north tomorrow." The big bird said.


The next day, my sister flew to the south early in the morning. It wasn't long before she saw a cage on the tree in front of her. There were many delicious things in it. She flew in and enjoyed the delicious food in the cage. All of a sudden, the cage closed, "I will be your master later. I'll take care of your food and accommodation in the future. " A little boy said to her. She jumped up happily, "great! My wish has come true. "


As for her sister, she flew North in the morning. It didn't take long for her to reach a beautiful forest. There are many birds in the forest, so she plays and plays with her friends. The friends are friendly to her. They teach her how to catch insects and how to make a warm nest. At night, she slept in her own nest and said happily, "great! My wish has come true. "


What happened after two lovely birds realized their wishes?


Let's take a look at her sister first. She stays in the cage every day. She can't get caught in the wind and rain. She doesn't need to worry about food and drink every day, but she doesn't have a partner to play with. The world of her activities is just such a large space in the cage. She doesn't have any freedom. But she thought it was better to have no worries about food and clothing than to be lonely and bored, so she continued to stay in the cage at ease.


My sister catches worms every day, mends the nest which is broken by the wind, and experiences a lot of wind and rain. However, on a sunny day, she competes with her friends and flies. The days are hard but full of endless fun. Her body is much stronger than before.


However, soon my sister met with something unexpected. Her little master told her: "I have to let you go, because today my teacher said that human beings should protect birds." She had to fly out of the cage. She wanted to fly back to her original home, but her parents had moved from the original tree. Where do you live? What do you eat? When the wind comes, she can only tremble in the wind; when the rain comes, she can only cry in the rain.


It's sunny. A group of birds are playing in front of their sister. She suddenly saw a beautiful bird like her sister. "Sister, please help me." the bird was just her sister. When her sister heard the call, she went along with her reputation and saw her sister who didn't dare to recognize her. "Why, are you my sister? Why are you like this? " The twin birds meet again. Naturally, they can't help crying. But the other birds were confused: "why, are they twin sisters? How do you look so different? " There is a big difference between a small sister and a strong sister.


At this time, I don't know where a big bird came from. The sisters recognized that it was the big bird that satisfied their wishes. Big bird looked at the two sisters and said, "life in the greenhouse is fragile, life in the wind and rain is strong." The big bird said and flew away.


After listening, my sister lowered her head in shame