东台作家丁立梅Dongtai writer Ding Limei


Do you know the plum? She is our Dongtai famous writer! The articles she wrote were as bright as the sunshine, as beautiful as flowers, and as tall as a tree...... She used her own literature to add to the icing on the cake in Dongtai.

Her words are clean and bright, like the morning dew washed leaves like crisp fresh and elegant; her words, not deliberately dress pungent Zhifenwei; her words warm sunshine, shining like the light touching wet Yu po.

In her eyes,"every grass will bloom"wind"will remember each flower is fragrant"from time to time the shuttle in the tunnel of time, looking for"meet in the world","recalled grandmother sunflower","warm"listing those past.

So many wonderful articles, she is still God be a brilliant man of wide learning, preference?

No, not at all. I heard that when she was a child, she was not too rich at home. She could only buy Candles because she couldn't afford to buy light. But she didn't give up her studies and she was still very hardworking. She had a great interest in literature when she was a child. Every hour and moment he would bring pen and paper, but in the mind Emmanuel flashing, she flew down. Shujiu winter, in high summer, sunlight, moonlight, light, and sometimes even at night dreaming about what she would write it down. It was because she was so serious when she was a child that he had to be successful today. After she became famous, she didn't give up writing because of her great success. She still went to visit her motherland in order to write better articles. Once she was sick, and a little serious. But when she finished writing an article on her hand, she went to Kunming in search of inspiration and collection of material, regardless of his health.

Wrote here, I can not help but look back at her text, and found that her text is not only warm sunshine, but also exudes a variety of subtle fragrance, so that my eyes do not follow her footsteps.

She is the plum—— Ding Limei.






